Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hair Transplant and Cost

Hair Transplantation is a surgical technique where hair taken from one part of the body and then surgical transplant on head bald area. Generally we called such hair as hair follicles. Each hair follicles may have from 1-4 hairs.

The follicular hair transplantation procedure is called FUT(Follicular Unit Transplantation).

There are two ways of doing this :

(i) Strip Harvesting : A local anesthesia is given to the head. Now a strip of hair follicular is removed from the back side of your head . Then this strip is cut down into smaller follicular part and transplant into the bald area. Stitches are given to strip removed area. It generally take patient 2 week to recover from stitches and follicular to recover on bald area.

(ii) Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE Harvesting : 

 In this procedure rather than just taking a strip , doctor take only follicular unit one by one from the back side of head and transplant it into bald area. It is less paining and follicular recover in 7 days only.

The cost of hair transplant is around 0.5 Dollar to 1.5 dollar per follicular. It depends upon region and the doctor who is transplanting it.  On Average bald area like crown , front bald area required 2000-5000 follicular hair to covered.Which total cost comes around 1000 Dollar to 4000 dollar.

For example In India, Delhi  cost of hair transplant start from fifty thousand rupees to two lakhs rupees.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Health Benefit of Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice is best source of Vitamin C and D,proteins, carbohydrates, and phosphorous. Lemon Juice help in Constipation and diarrhea relief..

Lemon also help in controlling high blood pressure.It also prevent from cold, flue and fever.Lemon is anti carcinogenic, which can lower the rates of colon, prostate, and breast cancer.

Lemon is also having antiseptic properties , it can save us from deep bleeding.

Lemon in weight Loss : Lemon is very helpful in weight loss .If we daily intake lemon juice with hot water in morning it will reduce your weight.

It also helpful in case of burn skin and reduce burning sensation.

Nutrilite health product CFV(Concentrated fruits and vegetables) Review

It is one of the good product of Nutrilite for health. The best part of this tablets is :

(i) It helps you in fighting free radicals causing by pollution and smoke.
(ii) High phytonutrient levels.
(iii) The phytonutrients lycopene and lutein.

 It generally come in two packs one of 30 tablets and other of 60 tablets. The cost of 60 tablets is around 1500 INR.

Side Effect :  As such there is no side effect , some people feel a stomach upset and gastrointestinal distress such as nausea.

Children below age 13 and pregnant women should avoid this or use after doctor consult.
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