Sunday, April 1, 2012

Nutrilite daily uses ,review and side effects

Nutrilite daily is multivitamin and multi mineral health supplement. It contains vitamin A,C,D,E,K,B1,B2,B6,B12, folic acid.

In Minerals it contains calcium , iron,phosphorus,iodine, zinc,copper, magnesium.

Uses : One can take daily one or two tablets for maintaining good health and it full fill daily essential vitamins and minerals requirement.

Review : It is a health supplement for day to day our health requirement .But on negative front it is little expensive. 120 tablet cost is Rs. 2029.(INR). In India we get such health supplement in relatively very low cost for example. Revital tablet.

Side Effects : As such there is not any side effect found. It is very organic product. Recommended by doctors across the world.

Please consult your doctor first before taking such tablets.

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