Monday, April 2, 2012

Home Remedy for Weight Loss

Home Remedy for Weight Loss

Wight or obesity is major problem among all generations as it will increase chance for many diseases in your body like high blood pressure and diabetes. You need to change your eating habits if you want to loss your weight. You must be aware about food type like which is high in calorie and which is good food to reduce your extra fat from your body.

Following are few effective home remedy to reduce weight

  1. Start exercise and work out on regular basis.
  2. Include fat burning food or vegetables in your daily diet.
  3. Include Cabbage in your diet as it is fat burning vegetable.
  4.  Start drinking green tea
  5. Start drinking one glass lemon warm juice mix with 2 tablespoon honey in morning in empty stomach.
  6. Include mint leave or mint chutney along with your meal as mint is also effective to reduce weight
  7. Avoid Junk and deep fried food
  8. Avoid smoking and Alcohol
  9. Avoid eating sweets and candy.
  10. Drink plenty of water as it is helpful for proper body function and also helpful for weight reduce.
  11. Fruits like apple, pineapple, orange and papaya are very effective for weight control.
  12. Eat fresh red tomato in morning in empty stomach as tamato is also useful for weight control
  13. Start taking Amla juice in evening
  14. Avoid eating potatoes, sugar and white rich
  15. Taking fruits and vegetable salad in your breakfast along with pineapple juice.

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