Sunday, July 15, 2012

Placentae Extract Injection( Placentrex 2ml) use

Placenta is a organ which is linked to fetus of mother in mammals for transfer of oxygen and other nutrition.

Placenta extract serves as a source of protein and hormones.

Placentas are a source of Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a naturally produced substance which is used in the treatment of obesity, asthma, gastritis, neurosis, heart damage, hyperlipemias, hypercholesterolemia, eczemas, glaucoma, alcoholism, and more recently a cancer-like tumor appearing in AIDS patients, named Kaposi sarcoma

Deer placenta is an ingredient in "herbal supplements" to increase sexual desire and potency.

Placenta extract is used both in clinical practice for the correction of immune system disorders, for stimulation of the hemapoietic processes and treatment of a number of severe chronic diseases, and in medical cosmetology. Placenta extracts also have antibacterial and antiviral abilities. Placenta extract composition in its application facilitates to effect human organism in complex and many-sided way, normalizing its biochemical status together with bio and immunostimulation, and increasing resistance to unfavorable environment factors. In addition preparation action supplements organism with necessary substrates (vitamins, amino acids), which allows organism stimulation without depletion of its energetic, plastic and other resources.

Only side effect : The FDA maintains that placenta extract may be potentially hazardous and its use is subject to restrictions and requirements of warnings in at least some products. In one study, four girls between one and eight years of age developed breasts or pubic hair two to 24 months after starting the use of estrogen- or placenta-containing hair products. Their breasts and pubic hair regressed when they stopped using the products. No other cause for early sexual development was found.

Note : Please don't take these injection without advice of Doctor.

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