Friday, September 18, 2015

Calcirol Sachets Benefits and Dosage

Deficiency of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential vitamin for our strong bones, If you are suffering from bone pain and muscular weakness then there is risk of Vitamin D deficiency in your Body. Vitamin D is also known as sunshine Vitamin.

Source of Vitamin D

Your body make Vitamin D when you expose your skin to the sun,Fish Oils, Fatty Fish,Egg Yolks, Cod Liver Oil,Mushrooms,Tofu,Dairy Product,Pork etc

Calcirol (Supplement of Vitamin D)

Calcirol Sachet from Cadila is very good source of Vitamin D
Each Calcirol Sachet of 1 Gm Contains: Cholecalciferol IP 60,000 IU
You should keep this Sachet in a cool dry place.

How to take Calcirol-Dosage

¼ to 1 Sachet with milk after having dinner or Lunch or as directed by Physician or one Sachet once in a week for one month.
Calcirol Sachets is manufactured by Cadila Pharmaceuticals ltd. state of J&K

Price of Calcirol Sachet

One single Sachet of Calcirol weight is 1 gm which contains Cholecalciferol IP 60,000 IU.
One Sachet Cost is Rs. 33/- (INR)

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