Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How to Lose Wight in 8 Days

How to Lose Wight very fast

Obesity is very common problem in this world. The most dangerous of Obesity will lead to may health problem like heart disease, diabetes, liver function problem etc. therefore, it’s time to remove extra fat from your body to save yourself from these serious health problem.

Now these days Obesity is main and equally problem for adults and kids, now these days we see that many people and kids are struggling to reduce extra fat from their body. Our bad life style, eating junk food and unhealthy foods will lead Obesity. So if you really reduce fat then you have to avoid these junks food and try to improve your stressful lifestyle.

Many times you have to face bad experience because of Obesity.

  1. You are not fit into your latest fashion cloths.
  2. Everyone advice you to reduce fat when you go for party or any other events.
  3. Your friends tees you because you are fat.
  4. You are facing health problem like heart, liver and diabetes.
  5. You are feeling insure among your friends circle.
  6. You are facing skin pigmentation because of Obesity.
  7. Obesity may also leads to irregular menstrual cycle and also leads to delay in pregnancy.
  8. So now this is time to get over from this problem and stay fit forever.

You need to follow few tips to reduce weight.

Start drinking hot lemon water mix with honey in empty stomach.

Avoid eating oily breakfast and replace it with healthy vegetable oats.
Avoid tea and replace it with 3-4 cup green tea without sugar in a day.

Avoid eating sweets and Ice Creams.
Avoid eating Junks food.
Avoid eating rice and potatoes.
In Lunch, take only boiled vegetables and healthy juice.
In Evening Snacks, Take small bowl of sprouts or oats.

Include vegetable and fruit salad in your diet
Take very light dinner like vegetable salad, protein meal or Oats.

You need to follow only these above mentioned instructions and see changes in your body.


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