Monday, April 2, 2012

Home Remedy for Cough and Cold

Home Remedy for Cough and Cold

When you suffer from Cough and Cold then even you can speck properly but when you try very simple home remedy for Cough and Cold then immediately you feel better.

Following are some simple home remedy.

1.Drink warm water instead of cold water as it will give you relief to your infected throat.

2.Avoid ice-cream and cold drink

3.Avoid citrus fruits like orange, grapes and pineapple and vegetables lemon.

4.Onion is very helpful home remedy for Cough and Cold. Take 1-2 teaspoon of onion juice along with honey as it will give you proper relief from Cough.

5.Ginger is very effective for removing Cough and Cold. Take small quantity of ginger paste along with pepper powder as this is very common home made Cough and Cold syrup.

6.Take garlic soup for 2-3 days

7. Gurgle with warm water including with salt and ginger paste.

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