Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Use of tab lynoral 0.05 mg

Generally Doctor prescribe this tablet to regulate the menstrual cycle. The least expensive is Tab Ethinyl estradiol (Lynoral), 0.05 mg daily start from Day5-Day 20 of menstrual cycle.

Lynoral (Ethinyl Estradiol)is a synthetic estrogen similar to the natural female sex hormone estradiol and is also used as a natural estrogen supplement when the body's production is low.

Lynoral is not only used to prevent pregnancy. It is also used to regulate menstrual cycle.
Solution to the one reason of Infertility 

Poor Uterine lining may be stop in getting pregnant by any means either natural way or IVF.   
The reason for a poor uterine lining is a hysteroscopic metroplasty which many aggressive doctors do for infertile women to "treat" a narrow uterine cavity .

If a patient has an unexpectedly poor lining during an IVF cycle, it's often best to freeze all the embryos rather than transfer them in the fresh cycle. We can then work on improving the uterine lining before transferring the frozen embryos back into the uterus.

If patients have a history of a poor lining, we use the following protocol to see if their lining responds to an increased dose of estrogen.

Generally Doctor suggest :

Tab Lynoral ( ethinyl estradiol) , 0.05 mg , 1 tab daily with dinner, from Day 1 – Day 25.

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